The Sustainable Use Coalition of southern Africa promotes sustainable use of our natural resources and knowledge about habitat conservation for posterity.

SUCo-SA is focused on enhancing the right of our >70,000 members to practice their chosen hunting and wildlife related professions to its fullest potential in accordance with section 22 of our Constitution, and to give effect to our member’s section 24 rights to speak and be heard on all relevant aspects of the environment.

The Confederation of Hunting Associations of South Africa (CHASA)

CHASA achieves this through promoting sustainable ethical hunting practices through leadership and advocacy of all matters related to hunting and the freedom to hunt.

Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA)

Waterberg Tourism

Agri SA

Agri SA is an organisation with a value proposition whereby many organisations with an interest in the agricultural value chain are accommodated. Agri SA’s vision is ‘to ensure an inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector and, through living and respecting its values and with the cooperation of its members, to fulfil its mission, namely ‘We enable farmers’.



Hunting and Wildlife Association South Africa

Fighting for the Agro Sustainable Biodiversity Wildlife Economy!

"To promote, serve and protect the interests of wildlife ranchers"